Womb Practices

Women store stress, tension, and trauma within their wombs and pelvis. If this doesn’t flow and clear, it begins to stagnate and cause pain, PMS,  illness and can lead to complications.  Connecting to your womb and doing womb practices,  can help to alleviate some of these issues.
It can also remove the shame that many feel over their menstrual cycle, as connecting to your womb, means connecting with not only your personal cycle but also the lunar cycle,  your sexual essence,  your desires, and how your moods wax and wane in accordance with your phases/cycle. This is the case for all women whether they have a physical womb or not.
So what are some good womb practices to help clear negative and stagnant energy?
Good practices are luna yoga, flow yoga, tai chi, qi gong, tribal dancing,  womb breathing, womb-focused meditation,  womb journeying, and yoni steaming.  All of these practices aid in getting the energy to move, allowing it to flow from the body.
What is womb journeying?
A womb journey is used for connecting with your womb and clearing anything that no longer serves you or is being stored.  This can be done at any point in your cycle and can be as elaborate or simple as you wish. A simple outline for a womb journey can look like this:
• come into a comfortable seated position
• light your sacred womb incense
• state your intention,  for example, “it is my intention to clear all the negative stored in my womb/pelvis which no longer serves me.”
• put on some drumming or meditation music
• bring your hands to your womb/womb space
• bring your awareness  to the red-black velvet of your womb/pelvis, sink into the space
• allow any visions, feelings, or sensations to arise, do not fight them even if it is unpleasant,  allow yourself to feel it
• let it clear and flow out of you into the earth below
• you will know when the journey is complete when you feel orgasmic or ecstatic
• thank yourself for taking this brave step
• journal your experience if you feel called to.
Why is sacred womb incense good to use during womb practices?
Sacred womb incense is good to use as it contains:
• red raspberry leaf, which is a uterine tonic and a herb used for menstrual health.
• red clover, which is used for PMS headaches and female hormone balance
• red rose petals, which are used for PMS headaches, self-love, and its gorgeous scent
• chamomile,  which is used for anxiety and relaxation.
All of these ingredients are also excellent to use in a tea when you are menstruating,  mixed with nettles which are high in iron. This tea will ease PMS symptoms and boost energy, creating a  smoother menstrual experience.
If this topic interests you and you would like further information,  I highly recommend the book ‘womb awakening ‘ by A and S Bertrand.  Also, womben wellness is a fantastic website and page on Facebook.

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